Essentially both of these terms refer to the same thing. Typically when a merchant batches out or closes out the transactions for a certain day of sales, the processing bank places those funds on hold for one or two additional days as a precaution against potentially fraudulent charges, charge backs, etc. Then the funds are released and move through the processing bank to the merchant’s bank. This means that it can take 2-3 days for the merchant to receive the money from credit card sales on a particular day. Now consider the term Zero Day Hold. This means that the processor releases the funds right away so the merchant can receive the funds the next day or the day after depending on when they batched those funds. Please keep in mind that it takes additional time for the money to be deposited into the merchant’s bank account once the processor releases the money. (You will recall that when you deposit a personal check from a relative or someone else into your bank account, those
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